bible black book
bible black
BIBLE BLACK Review by Heroic Times....A riveting cover and mind boggling artwork...Written and created by J. Morvay, This is one of the more disturbing reads you'll stumble across. Short Stories and Graphics that are part fable, part allegory, part madness, and part world view, it's a harrowing and consuming read unlike anything else The read of the Year. Disturbing and Recommended!
Lobster Girl Book
Lobster Girl
The best selling independent comic of 2008 Review
If you love horror, I mean real horror; this is a comic book that will make Rob Zombie blink. Lobster Girl is the ultimate in horror! The artwork is absolutely amazing and I can't even describe it with words. But, I will tell you the artwork definitely goes with this moody, emotional story of tragedy that leads to vengeance of horrific proportions! (Paul Dale Roberts, Publisher
Bible Black Review by: Michael Lee
If you know me personally, you'll know that I am a demented freak on the outside, but soft as a cotton ball on the inside. My sense of "what's cool" almost always leans toward the darkest, sickest, most unimaginable thing you can think of (or not think of...because it's unimaginable). Knowing this about myself, it is absolutely no surprise to me that J. Morvay's "Bible Black" is right up there with Garth Ennis' "Preacher" on the awesomesauce scale.
Bible Black is a collection of short stories and poems that invoke some of the rawest of human emotions and leave you feeling ultimately grateful for life as you know it. Morvay touches on everything from lust to religion, to war to abortion in this deranged compilation of fairy tales.
The artwork in Black is much more in tune with with my sense of taste than Morvay's previous title "Lobster Girl". It features a slew of amazing artists that really know how to take the macabre imagery behind Morvay's stories and put them into a gruesome gallery of delight. John Masse, Dariusz Skitek, Oliver Cereto, Simon Johns, Antti Isosomppi, Shane Deruise, Shelley Bergen, Michel Winckler Krog, and Helmuth Voss (damn that was a mouth full) all contribute to the grisly awesomeness that is Bible Black. Don't just take my word for it; open the book and see for yourself. There's pure wickedry on its pages.
There is a message behind Bible Black's stories; they are not just pieces of fiction to entertain the bored. As you read you will start to lose grip on what's real within the confines of its covers. It touches so close on reality that it has the power to make religious readers send hate mail, mothers hold their children close, and youngsters take a serious look at their lives and think about whether they are making the right decisions. Bible Black gives you a reason to love life, and be grateful for the things you have. It could be much, much worse, and J. Morvay proves that with his stories.
This is one of those few rare occasions where I believe someone's talent has shown through in its most purest of forms. J. Morvay deserves utmost respect for this comic, and he gets it from me. He throws caution to the wind, and puts up a proverbial middle finger to anyone who refuses to face reality.
Everyone, horror fan or not should own a copy of Bible Black. It is not just a book for those with twisted heads; it is a book for everyone. It is a point of view, a message, a symbol of what is and has been, whether we choose to accept it or not, and it can be yours for $12.95. Just mosey on over to to place your order
Click Play To Watch Controversial Bible Black "One Minute Trailer"
Full 22 Minute TV Episode #1 Available In Buy Now Section
Bible Black Gallery
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Banned By CBS Radio AD
Interview with the Author

(Sick House): On Lobster Girl: Her character is unique and has a very distinct

personality. Where did you originally get the idea?

(J. Morvay): is a youtube video that you might find

interesting..feel free to use any of this. --Morvay's interview with Fanboy TV--

(SH): Is there any insight you can give me on what happens to Lobster Girl after

the story’s end?

Read More

(JM): I wrote the original as a One-shot and never expected to have the sales

numbers and the interest with such a unique themed and polarizing comic.

It was the highest selling independent comic of the year. I think people are

tired of X-Men, etc. The fans are talking and the story has hit a nerve with

every love-sick psychopath like me. I hear you my "Mad in Love" compadres

(Follement Amourese)...I have to get to work on Lobster Girl 2. Even I am

excited to find out what happens. :) My wheels are turning.

(SH): What is it about Isosommpi and Bergen’s artistic style that caused you to

choose them for Lobster Girl's pages?

(JM): Art, Music and Words are a "ménage a trois" for me. I first saw Shelley

Bergen's work on Deviantart. I was so moved from the pain of her work I had

to collaborate with her. She brought Antti Isosomppi into project as well; she

realized his vision would be equally as valuable. A reviewer on

said Lobster Girl only works as a collaborative effort. I think that was very

accurate. I saw her pictures and wrote my text. The text was "poetic to a

fault"... I can blame her. LOL

(SH): I am absolutely in love with Bible Black. The stories are horrifically grim

and realistic, and left me feeling appreciative of life after reading them. Is

there any truth to them, or are they all purely fictional?

(JM): Unfortunately for Human-Kind they are all true! I am glad you embraced

your life even if it was just for a fleeting second after reading them. I don't

want to go Clint Eastwood and get sentimental here but "Make my Day!" Your

words are greatly appreciated!

(SH): The very first poem in the book is one about God ending himself because

of the faults and failures of his creations. Given the content of the poem, I

imagine it was not received well by some religious readers. What prompted you

to write such a disturbingly powerful piece?

(JM): Lots of angry readers. I wish I didn't put this up front as people are

burning the book early and not getting to read the rest of the Dr. Seuss-like

banter. LOL. The Religious right hates this story. My apologies to them. I am a

former Altar Boy with many issues (insert laughter).

I actually got a Death threat phone message from some coward regarding this

Quasi Poem. My fans can feel free to call me anytime to threaten my life...but

they must leave their name and number if I don't answer. No joke. No legal

repercussions. I would be delighted to me at 702 *** **32 [sorry

J. I can't bring myself to publish your telephone number!] anytime before


I try to understand every point of view as I am a writer and soak up depravity

and pain like a sponge. The problem people have with that particular vision

is...People feel God would have abandoned us if he blew his Holy Brains out all

over the snow white Heavens. That is something people can't bear to live with.

There would be no meaning to life if God gave up on us.

It is O.K. to give up on God as long as you say (10) Our Father's, (5) Hail Mary's,

and clean the sticky, dried blood off your Clown Suit. LOL

In all seriousness...Imagine God looking down on this cesspool of inhumanity

as we come up with sociopathic and creative ways every day to figure out how

to screw someone harder and lower than ever before...sexually, financially,

spiritually. WE are a fucking Disgrace to God!!!!! We abandoned God's Message

light years ago.

God and Auschwitz can not exist in the same sentence. Well I just put them in

the same sentence, but you get the picture. :)

(SH): Your stories are gut wrenching at times, playing on reality in ways that

invoke strong emotions from some readers. These stories contain the darkest

parts of our humanity. Is there a message behind them that you’d like to

convey to my (and your) readers?

(JM): I am going to quote my literary idol Hubert Selby Jr. from one of his

short-stories to pay homage to his genius.

"But i knew that someday I was going to die. And just before I died two things

would happen; Number 1: I would regret my entire life. Number 2: I would

want to live my life over again."

(SH): My favorite story in Bible Black is “Crazy Crackers”. Is this one of the true

tales in your book? If so, can you tell me a bit about the narrator?

(JM): That is a story my Father told me when he was in WW2. It is 100% percent

accurate. My Father is the sweetest, gentlest guy in the world. If you are going

to survive a World War, you must learn to be a savage and then come home and

be a music teacher and forget everything!

(SH): Wow, so Crazy Crackers is based off your father? That's pretty amazing.

It's ridiculous how far some people will go for love-disguised lust. Were there

any other stories your father told you? He sounds like a pretty interesting


(JM): He was a soldier that witnessed Crazy Crackers. He is a sweet guy that

survived one of the most brutal conflicts. Hard to imagine what his era went


(SH): You have told me that part of Bible Black is autobiographic. Which

part(s), and how true to reality are they?

(JM): Godless and Sticky dollars are some of the cheery adolescent stories

I have personally lived through. They shaped my being. You don't write the

material that I do by living in Beverly Hills and starring in a top-rated reality TV

show. LOL

(SH): I'm astonished. "Godless" is a true account from your life? How does this

affect the way you feel today about abortion?

(JM): As a kid we had anti-abortion shoved down our throats. The religious

right is very dangerous to the real world. It's not pretty but we all live in the

real world...obviously I am pro-woman's rights.

Thanks to J. Morvay for an interesting and fantastic interview. You are a

talented writer, and a soul that's been sculpted by life. Keep up all the great work.

Sample Of Bible Black
crazy cracker
"Fraulein Katerina became Crackers' dominatrix! He cleaned her flat, washed her clothes, cooked her meals, ran errands, and bought her cigarettes. Cigarettes were hard to come by, even if you had money to buy them. Crackers had exhausted his funds payin' off the guys to steer clear of Katerina, but she kept insistin' that he get her more smokes. Afraid to displease her, Crackers started hangin' around the train station, where people boardin' trains would flick half-smoked cigarettes onto the tracks. "The beggars and the smoke-junkies would compete to dive and snatch butts from trains that were about to leave. Five or more guys dove at a time, so they had to be fast to get the good butts and get out of the way. "The love of Crackers' life pushed him to the edge when she said "no lovin" unless he got quality smokes. Crackers wasn't the only one down at the train station that day to see a whole cigarette lying on the track, but he was the only one willin' to defy physics because the train was already in motion. Crackers dove and caught his arm under the diesel, severin' his limb at the elbow. One of the guys said it looked like a chicken gettin' its head cut off. The arm was floppin' around, fingers twitchin', blood spurtin'. Crackers picked up his bloody arm and tried to stuff it back into the socket. He passed out. Luckily, a medic was close by and saved Crackers from bleeding to death
God sent me a reminder every night...The dream was always the same: Muffled cries coming from the dumpster, calling out to a hundred hungry city rats... The hoard of vermin descending cautiously toward the pulsating bag... The hungriest rats lunging first and ripping the bag... Then, all of them leaping in, fangs dripping wet, tearing at the virgin pink flesh... The innocent child SCREAMING...SCREAMING...SCREAMING! HELP! Then I'm awake! These dreams have haunted me since I was eighteen—they've eaten away at me. At sixty-two, my heart has finally given out—I cannot endure another surgery. I will soon meet my Maker...I pray my son is not waiting for me...
666 house
The House screamed quietly now... holding secrets firmly within its blood-thirsty walls. Children's footsteps echoed in the emptiness...Only shadows lived here now: Girls playing with dolls...Boys sliding down the staircase...the banister...The paint and varnish calcified with disease.Weeks ago the voices shrieked and twisted in her head!She wanted to be a good parent. She wanted a better life for her six children. She wanted them to grow up to be good Christians. She wanted to take her medication but stopped at the urging of her husband. One sunny afternoon the Demons forced themselves inside her soul...She was powerless against their blood-lust commands.She held her children's heads down in the the scalding water...They thrashed and pulled at her her eyes and hair...The Devil was inside of them—she had to stamp it out! She saw 6 bubbles rise: 666...666.She was saving them from Satan...Sending them to God instead...Six bubbles rising to heaven...Popping into three-word prayers: "Please, Mommy, no!"
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